myCRED Daily Login Rewards 1.0.2 enhances the functionality of myCred by offering features geared towards daily login bonuses and user engagement. This extension enables website owners to incentivize users with myCred rewards for daily logins, manage rewards through a calendar system, and set time-limited functionalities for user engagement. Prior to using this extension, ensure the installation of the core myCred plugin from the official WordPress repository.
Key features of myCRED Daily Login Rewards include:
- Opportunity for users to earn rewards through daily logins with cooldown periods
- Management of daily rewards for consecutive and non-consecutive days via the rewards calendar
- Time-limited reward functionalities for specified periods
- Repeatable calendar system for multiple login rewards
- Allowance for users to earn daily rewards multiple times
- Requirement for users to complete certain activities to qualify for rewards
- Pop-up notifications for users upon receiving login rewards
- and more.