Endasti – Industrial Industry & Factory HTML Template is a cutting-edge solution crafted for industry, engineering, and machinery businesses. Built with the latest Bootstrap v4.1.3 and SASS technologies, this template offers seamless customization capabilities and exceptional compatibility across all modern browsers.
Key features of this template include:
- 5 home versions for versatile design options
- 15+ inner pages for comprehensive content presentation
- Integration of Revolution Slider for dynamic and engaging slideshows
- SEO-optimized code for improved search engine visibility
- Font Awesome 5.2 integration for access to a wide range of icons
- Responsive UI design for optimal viewing on various devices
- CSS3 animations to enhance the visual appeal of the website
- Cross-browser compatibility for seamless performance across different browsers
Experience efficient customer support, detailed documentation, and fully customizable elements that empower you to create a personalized user experience. Showcase your services with sophistication and professionalism using this template.