Maximize Affiliate Earnings with AffiliateWP Direct Link Tracking 1.3.2
Direct Link Tracking by AffiliateWP simplifies the process of linking affiliates to your website without the use of traditional affiliate links. By eliminating affiliate parameters, this plugin not only streamlines the linking process but also boosts the SEO-friendliness of your affiliate links, potentially leading to increased revenue.
Key Features of AffiliateWP Direct Link Tracking 1.3.2:
- Custom Domain Approval: Control which domains affiliates can link directly to your site, ensuring only approved domains can earn commissions.
- Global or Per-Affiliate Tracking: Enable Direct Link Tracking on a global scale or customize settings on a per-affiliate basis.
- Domain Limits: Set the maximum number of domains allowed per affiliate, giving you flexibility in managing your affiliate program.
- Centralized Management: Easily approve, reject, delete, or deactivate direct links from the centralized “Direct Links” admin screen.
- And More: Unlock a range of additional features to optimize your affiliate linking strategy.
Explore the benefits of AffiliateWP Direct Link Tracking 1.3.2 and take your affiliate program to the next level of success.