Stuck in a Redirect Loop with Cloudflare SSL? Fix It Now

Ever encountered the dreaded “too many redirects” error on your WordPress site after enabling Cloudflare? Don’t panic! This common issue can be easily resolved.

Why Does This Happen?

Cloudflare acts as a middleman between your visitors and your website. It can sometimes cause a redirect loop because of the way it handles secure connections (HTTPS) and insecure connections (HTTP).

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Flexible SSL: With this Cloudflare setting, your site visitors see a secure connection (HTTPS) even though Cloudflare connects to your server using an insecure connection (HTTP). This mismatch can trigger a “mixed content” warning.
  • Manual HTTPS Redirects: If you try to fix the mixed content warning by manually changing URLs from HTTP to HTTPS, you might create a loop. Your server redirects every request to HTTPS, even Cloudflare’s initial insecure request. This back-and-forth creates an endless loop.

Solutions to Break the Loop

There are several ways to fix this redirect loop issue:

1. Use a Cloudflare Page Rule:

This is a simple fix within your Cloudflare dashboard:

  • Step 1: Navigate to your domain settings and locate the “Page Rules” section.
  • Step 2: Create a forwarding rule that redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS using a 301 status code. This permanently redirects users to the secure version of your site.
  • Step 3: For example, if your WordPress address is, create a rule for with the “Full URL” setting and a 301 redirect.

2. Update Cloudflare TLS Settings:

For a more secure approach, consider changing your Cloudflare TLS setting to either “Full” or “Full (Strict).” This ensures all communication between Cloudflare and your server is encrypted (HTTPS) from the start, preventing the redirect loop altogether.

3. Use RunCloud/WPengine for Easy SSL Management (Optional):

If you’re using RunCloud or WPengine to manage your server, you can effortlessly configure SSL certificates for your domains. They offer a streamlined process for selecting a provider (like the free Let’s Encrypt) and setting up your certificate.

Bonus Tip: Enable HSTS (Optional):

Once you’ve resolved the loop, consider enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) through WPengine cpnanel. This tells browsers to always use HTTPS for your website, enhancing security. However, note that HSTS prevents all HTTP connections after activation.

By following these solutions, you can break the redirect loop and ensure your website visitors have a smooth, secure browsing experience.

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